Maximize Doctor ERTC Rebates In 2022 | Medical Practice Tax Credit Eligibility
Can medical professionals apply for Employee Retention Tax Credits?
Do dentists qualify for pandemic relief funds?
Is there a way to make sure you get the maximum allowable rebate, guaranteed?
The answers are yes, yes, and definitely – and you can get them all in the same place.
Though the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) program has been offering rebates to small businesses since 2020, many employers still have not claimed their tax credits and may be unaware that they are eligible. Ampifire has launched a partnership with a team of ERTC specialist CPAs to help you determine if you qualify, and claim your rebates.
Visit to find out how much you can claim right now.
While the ERTC has become known as a relief program for small businesses such as restaurants and contractors, rebates are also available for doctors, dentists, hospitals, and other medical practices. If your business has 500 or fewer full-time employees, the new fast rebate program from Ampifire allows you to apply.
If your company has received a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) you are also eligible for ERTC rebates, under the new rules passed with the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Unlike the PPP, which provided loans with restrictions on how they can be spent, the ERTC rebates are tax credits that do not need to be repaid and come with no restrictions.
If your company was founded during the pandemic, you can apply under special rules as a Recovery Startup Business. You may be eligible for up to $100,000 in rebates if you have at least one employee who is not a family member or 50% owner, and gross receipts of less than $1 million.
All other businesses may qualify for up to $26,000 per employee in rebates, with the average small business receiving approximately $100,000. To determine if you qualify, take a brief 10-question assessment on the Ampifire website. There is no cost or obligation when taking the assessment, and it requires no proprietary business information.
If you are eligible, you will receive a link to a secure server, where you can complete your rebate application with help from ERTC specialist CPAs. To calculate your rebate, you will be asked to upload your raw payroll data, 941 returns, and PPP loan documents.
Among the organizations that recently used the 15 Minute Refund program is a restaurant ownership group in Florida, which claimed $1,120,000 for 224 W-2 employees. The program has also helped non-profits, such as a school in Addison, IL, which claimed $175,000 for 35 W-2 employees.
Doctors, dentists, and other medical professionals deserve these tax credits just as much, if not more, than any other employer. Get help from the ERTC experts, and maximize your rebate today.
Visit to take the free eligibility test and begin your claim.
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